Moneta Divina

Moneta Divina

I'm proud to present my latest bitcoin art collection, "Moneta Divina".

 Moneta Divina - Bitcoin art by Lucho Poletti

Three animated bitcoin artworks

Each of the three artworks uses a steampunk visual style reminiscent of 'Sound Money Stronghold' and focuses on issues with the dollar-based fiat money system, presenting bitcoin as the solution to the monetary madness.

1. Intervention 

The first piece, Intervention focuses on the current situation with fiat inflation, portraying the creation and development of bitcoin as an interventional act to solve the problems fiat currencies are bringing the world.

 2. Transmutation

The second piece, Transmutation shows us a gloomy depiction of what's happening behind the scenes with the fiat money system, and how bitcoin is transforming the world for better, amidst the destruction.

3. Transcendence

The third piece, Transcendence takes a more spiritual approach to show the process of transformation in economic energy, harnessing the energy of the fiat inflation through 7 chakras in a meditative journey transcending the physical world. 

Moneta Divina

The title, "Moneta Divina" refers to Bitcoin as "Divine Currency", whereas the former "Novus Moneta Seclorum" a wordplay on the latin phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum", presenting Bitcoin as the "New Currency for the Ages".

The NFT collection for Moneta Divina released on Nifty Gateway September 27th, 2021.

In addition to the main 3 animations (approx. 1 minute each), I created a set of 21 shorter animations to isolate some of the animated elements and encapsulate 7 components of each of the 3 animations, thus a full set of 21. These 21 animations each have a 21-second runtime and can be seen here in the pack collection on Nifty Gateway.

Femme Satoshi's Most Divine Form

Over time, I've evolved my (male) Satoshi icon character, beginning with more basic re-designs for the Guy Fawkes mask back in 2018, to more streamlined and elaborated Satoshi characters over the past couple years, including the femme satoshi mask & characters.

Femme Satoshi Goddess - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Earlier depictions of Satoshi in a more spiritual, or "divine" form include my Alex grey-inspired pieces (Virus en numeros, Fiat accompli),

Virus en Numeros - Bitcoin art by Lucho Poletti

and Creation & Destruction in which I depicted Satoshi as both Brahma the creator and Shiva the destroyer.

Creation and Destruction by Lucho Poletti



Bitcoin as the solution to fiat currency inflation

As far as the story goes, inflation is the primary focus, and each of the three pieces explores different takes on the relationship between fiat inflation and bitcoin, demonstrating visually that inflation is a very real problem in our world today, arguably the most important economic reason for bitcoin's creation in the first place.


Intervention - Moneta Divina - Bitcoin art by Lucho Poletti

"The act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning".

The first piece in Moneta Divina, titled 'Intervention' focuses on:

1) the source of USD inflation - the fractional reserve central banking system

2) the impact it has on the world - the destruction of value & savings, funneling all the free and cheap money to bankers while we are left to watch the dollar's value destroyed

3) bitcoin a money system which fixes the destructive fictional reserve system and gives the world a better form of money - "Fix the Money, Fix the World". 


The animation begins with a close shot of the giant owl overseeing money printing operations at the 'Fictional Reserve' bank.. making sure the money printer keeps printing that 'Funny Money' at ever-increasing rates.

As we zoom out, we see the full Fictional Reserve Building and its infinite dollar printer in action. Detailed touches include:

GMO money plants growing out of control,

earth depicted as a fiat lake of fire, 

a wolf, chomping on his own stream of dollar revenues from the fictional reserve bank's loose monetary policies,



Cuckoo Bird (Fictional Reserve)

Cuckoo Bird - Intervention - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Sound Design

I created the audio track for Intervention using a thoughtful selection of sound FX and music track sourced from the AudioJungle.

Designing the sounds for my NFT's

Licensed Music - Hooligan Swing by Soundroll

In addition to the full animated artwork, 'Intervention' will feature three individual smaller animations, showcasing some of Lucho's intricately detailed vector artwork:

1) Fictional Reserve
2) Dollar Octopus 
3) Bitcoin Citadel


Transmutation - Moneta Divina - Bitcoin art by Lucho Poletti

"The act or process of changing something completely, especially into something different". 

Possibly my most elaborate and highly detailed artwork to date, transmutation shows us a gloomy depiction of our present-day situation, with governments manufacturing demand for fiat currency by taking on more and more debt through things like military expenditures and generally things that make the world a worse place. 

The art piece is composed using a heaping pile of mechanical junk,

Junk Mountain & Debt Factory - Intervention - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

intricately layered and opened in a cross-section revealing a factory assembly line at the base of the image which illustrates the conversion of government debt into an endless flow of newly printed dollars, and thus inflation. 

Debt Factory Assembly Line - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Once these toxic debt bags are filled to maximum capacity, they are passed on to the magic money printer, where money is created out of thin air and funneled directly to a private bank 🏦, plus interest!

Bank Carnival - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

When the money gets to the bank (they print, we pay), it's funneled directly into balloons so bankers can run off with all the money before the inflation takes hold.

At this point in our story, the bank burns up and explodes along with the entire monetary system, leaving a hole for a new system to come in and replace it.

Enter: the Better Money Tree

Better Money Tree - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti


The better money tree is composed of 100% digital cogs bearing the bitcoin logo and bitcoin-inspired messaging, which will each be spinning independently in the transmutation animation.

Inhabiting the Better money tree are the BTC Eagle (Representing Liberty & Freedom), Bitcoin Orange Crow (Representing Truth & Knowledge), & Bitcoin Sparrow representing bitcoin as a peaceful protest against the fiat money system which may only be enforced by violence.


In addition to the full animated artwork, 'Transmutation' will feature five individual smaller animations:

1) Debt Bombers

Low-Flying Debt Bomber

Low-Flying Debt Bomber - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

BTC Orange Pill Bomber

Orange Pill Bomber - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Big Debt Bomber

Big Debt Bomber - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

BIG Orange Pill Bomber

Big Orange Pill Bomber - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

2) Up, Up, Away



3) Birds in the Trees

BTC Eagle - inspired by the Federal Reserve seal's eagle,  the BTC Eagle carries the banner of Better Money. Detailed touches include layered wings (feathers animate individually), a set of cogs (nodes) representing Bitcoin's decentralized network structure in the Eagle's right claw, and a rocket representing Bitcoin's pumpamentals in its left claw.

BTC Eagle - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Bitcoin Orange Bird - modeled after a blackbird/raven, using color tones centered around the bitcoin orange.

Bitcoin Orange Crow - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Bitcoin Sparrow - Small, peaceful bird also created using machine parts.

Bitcoin Small Bird - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti


4) Market Participants

Bear Market Elephant Bear Market Elephant - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Bull Market Elephant - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti


Bitcoin Minotaur - Humanoid Bull

Bitcoin Bear - Modeled after a grizzly bear, created using 100% repurposed digital machine parts.

Bitcoin Bear - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Bitcoin Tiger - Modeled after a Japanese Tiger, created using 100% repurposed digital machine parts.

Bitcoin Tiger - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Bitcoin Lion - Created using 100% repurposed digital machine parts.

Bitcoin Lion - Transmutation - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti


5) Moneta Divina


Transcendence - Moneta Divina - Bitcoin art by Lucho Poletti

"Existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level".

In contrast to both "Intervention",

Heart Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

Provides a base or foundation for bitcoin's security, making it possible to securely verify that a transaction has been accepted by the network.

The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability.

2) Sacral

Sacral Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just below your belly button. This chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energy. It’s also linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others.

3) Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is located in your stomach area. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping you feel in control of your life.

4) Heart

Heart Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The heart chakra, or Anahata, is located near your heart, in the center of your chest. It comes as no surprise that the heart chakra is all about our ability to love and show compassion.

5) Throat

Throat Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is located in your throat. This chakra has to do with our ability to communicate verbally.

6) Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is located between your eyes. You can thank this chakra for a strong gut instinct. That’s because the third eye is responsible for intuition. It’s also linked to imagination.

7) Crown


Crown Chakra - Transcendence - Moneta Divina by Lucho Poletti

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of your head. Your Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.

In addition to the full animated artwork, 'Transcendence' features seven individual smaller animations, titled as follows:

1) Root 

2) Sacral

3) Solar

4) Heart

5) Throat

6) Third Eye

7) Crown

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